DIYE's Octi Test Yard!

Octi’s, Octi’s everywheerree!

Welcome to the Octi Test Yard

As Entries start streaming in, we just have to share our test printing with you guys. I’ll be throwing in a few behind the scenes snapshots in this thread of all the Octi’s we are test printing over at DIYE.

Enjoy and feel free to drop your Octi Test Prints here too :star_struck:

Let the Octi Army Begin!

Disclaimer: These are only test prints in plain or sometimes multi-colours. If you don’t see your Octi here, don’t panic. I may not be able to show everyone’s Octi’s here depending on timing. Please don’t ask DIYE Staff to give an opinion of which one is better as yet since the competition is still ongoing. We are simply ecstatic at the collective creativity of the entire DIY Community at large.

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Tis Easter and Octi is not sharing! xD

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Humpty Octi sat on a wall… until he decided to go to space :smirk:

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Octi, why so blue?

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:wave::wave: Ellooo

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I see Octi Legs! :smirk:

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Can’t wait to see a pic of this print completed :grin:

@MDproto , Just came back to it completed after the long weekend!! :partying_face:


This Octi is ready to blast through an asteroid :open_mouth: :partying_face: The hero has risen, @XelusPrime

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I love all of this! Still surreal to see it being an actual object. Never getting used to it. :rofl:

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:partying_face: Woohoo! Thank you so much!

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Say Hello to some new friends!


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Wow, Thanks for printing out my model. Looks awesome!


Octiman, as per Model, also customizable with colors and materials,

Not recommended to utilize TPU for the legs as he is very Unstable from the 2D Model Design.

Are there any more test prints to showcase? I’m so excited!!

Hey hey :smiley:
Due to the amount of entries, we are narrowing down our test prints to our top picks to determine a winner. But that means spoilers if I keep sharing pictures of them :open_mouth: So, I have to hold off for now and give you all a suspenseful “To be Continued!” xD
Keep an eye on our socials to see all Octi’s giving an appearance real soon though :wink: Everyone is free to still post your Octi prints here if you’d like! See you all after the announcement on Friday! :partying_face: